Are you desperately perfectionist? So is he! Tight as a clam and clever as a cartload of monkeys, our friends seems to have only one idea in mind, under his straw hat: building pyramids… of buckets. Not 3 or 6, but 60 lime-colored buckets. Through all means, especially the craziest ones, he intends to give them sumptuous geometric shapes. So, this dreamer aligns and piles up, to the point of hubris… Like for Cleopatra’s architect, it’s however in imperfection and mistakes that poetry will come out. Bakéké (“bucket” in Hawaiian) is a story that tells our own obstinacies, deliciously absurd and liberating.
As part of the Festival Clowns in Progress
Upcoming performances open to the public
Upcoming performances for schools
- Duration 50 min.
- Public For everyone from 6 years old
- Language Without words
- Place Ariston
- Full price 12 €
- Young persons 6 €
- Children 3 €